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Securing future success

Schaan, Liechtenstein – 4 March 2024

The Ivoclar Group closes the 2023 business year with a turnover of 856 million Swiss francs. Even though sales increases were recorded in all sales regions, the company’s revenues remained below those of the previous year due to negative currency effects. The Liechtenstein-based medical device company responds to this challenging economic environment by implementing a reorganization program.

Following a solid performance in the 2023 fiscal year, the globally operating dental company Ivoclar has now announced a reorganization program that will be implemented in the course of this year. “The planned measures are essential for ensuring the success of our company in the long term,” says Markus Heinz, CEO of the Ivoclar Group since March 2023. “We have an obligation to act in the face of this extremely difficult currency situation, the unfavourable geopolitical and economic developments and the associated costs that have risen disproportionately,” explains Heinz.

As a result, Ivoclar will consistently focus on its strategic priorities and core competencies. This focus will go hand in hand with a comprehensive cost reduction program, which will also include workforce reductions at different Ivoclar locations.

Globally, around 240 employees will be affected by the cutback in staff. According to the Corporate Management, the company will of course strive to provide the best possible personalized support to employees affected by the staff reductions. A redundancy scheme is already in place.


The Ivoclar Group, which sells its products to around 130 countries, has 56 subsidiaries and branch offices and employs roughly 3800 people (FTEs) worldwide – around 970 of them at their headquarters in Schaan, Liechtenstein.
Copyright: Ivoclar Vivadent AG

About the Ivoclar Group
The Ivoclar Group, headquartered in Schaan, Liechtenstein, is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of integrated solutions for high-quality dental applications. For more than one hundred years, the company has played a significant role in shaping the dental industry and promoting the best possible oral health and radiant smiles. The company’s success is based on a comprehensive portfolio of products, systems and services, strong research and development capabilities and a clear commitment to training and further education. The group of companies, which sells its products to around 130 countries, has 56 subsidiaries and branch offices and employs roughly 3800 people worldwide. More information about the Ivoclar Group is available at ivoclar.com.

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