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저희를 찾는 방법

Ivoclar Ltd.

서울시 서초구 바우뫼로 215
(양재동, TAMIYA 빌딩) 4층

전화: 02 536 0714
팩스: 02 6499 0744
이메일: info.korea@ivoclar.com


Ivoclar Ltd.

215 Baumoe-ro
Seoul, 06740
Republic of Korea

Phone: +82 2 536 0714
Fax: +82 2 6499 0744
Email: info.korea@ivoclar.com

Ivoclar Customer Care

Customer Care is your first point of contact for troubleshooting and/or problem solving regarding your Ivoclar products.

핸드폰: +800 8580 0858
이메일: customercare.sea@ivoclar.com
왓츠앱:  +63 495409566
페이스북: Ivoclar South East Asia

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안내 (Information)

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(Welcome to our website. This site is intended for dental professionals, e.g. Dentist, Dental Technician, Dental Hygienist and Educational Institute, only. Please click 'Yes' if you are a dental professional. Thank you!)