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Bluephase Family

High-performance polymerization units for 
intraoral polymerization

Find the right polymerization device
Reliable polymerization devices

Our high-performance Bluephase devices impress with their high quality and unlimited material compatibility for curing all common light-curing dental materials. Thanks to homogeneous light output, we can guarantee uniform polymerization.

How you can benefit from Bluephase


  • Uniform polymerization due to even light distribution over the entire emission window of the light guide.
  • The high light intensity of the curing light enables it to polymerize both direct and indirect restorations.

Unlimited compatibility with different materials

  • Suitable for the polymerization of all current light-curing dental materials without limitations.
  • Covers the entire wavelength range between 385 and 515 nm.

Find the right polymerization device

Bluephase PowerCure

The high-performance curing light with intelligent curing assistant.

Bluephase G4

Reliable curing at a high level.

Bluephase EasyCure

Effortless to use, yet effective and reliable.

Product comparison