Total Etch

The etching gel for a strong bond[1]
Acheter en ligne aujourd'hui
Total Etch is an etching gel containing 37% phosphoric acid. Total Etch is used for enamel etching and dentin conditioning in conjunction with sealants, composite restorations and the adhesive luting of indirect all-ceramic or composite restorations.
  • Balanced handling properties[2]
  • Quick, effective application due to consistent material thickness[2]
  • Colour can be easily differentiated from the tooth[2]
  • Special displacer on the plunger ensures economical dispensing of material[2]
  • Practical Jumbo syringe to refill syringes
Area of application

Total Etch est indiqué pour le mordançage de l'émail ou le mordançage total dans les cas suivants

  • restaurations composites
  • Collage des inlays, couronnes, facettes, bridges adhésifs et tenons radiculaires
  • Attelles
  • Collage des appareils orthodontiques (ex. brackets) et des bijoux dentaires (ex. Skyce)
  • Scellement de puits et sillons
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