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Tetric EvoCeram

Our classical universal composite
Longstanding experience in anterior and posterior restorations

Tetric EvoCeram is the classic among our composites. The sculptable universal composite for the incremental layering technique is at the heart of the Tetric Line. Dentists have been relying on it for many years.

Your advantages at a glance

Lifelike shade matching

Because of its chameleon effect, Tetric EvoCeram can adapt its shade to match its surroundings to produce highly esthetic results.

Universal use

The sculptable composite can be applied in layers of up to 2 mm in anterior and posterior teeth.

Excellent properties
  • Long working time for esthetic sculpting results

  • Short curing time from 5 seconds 

  • Minimal polymerization shrinkage for enhanced marginal tightness

  • High radiopacity for fast and easy recognition of fillings on x-rays

Long-lasting results

Tetric EvoCeram has been specially developed for high clinical performance and therefore shows impressive long-term survival rates.[1, 2]

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(These pages and the information contained herein are intended for health professionals and are not intended for the general public. By continuing to use this website, you confirm that you are a professional within Section 2a of Act No. 40/1995 Coll., on the Regulation of Advertising, as amended, and that you are aware of the risks associated with the information thus provided in case you are not a professional.)