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Please consider the following information before installing the PrograMill OS update:

The update file requires approx. 8GB of storage space.

Installation time is approx. 50 minutes. During installation the display will be black (do not cancel!).

The latest Windows 10 operating system requires at least PrograMill CAM 2022 version. An upgrade license might be needed, and costs may occur. 

Scan Software

CAD Software

For exocad customers in the US a FDA cleared version of the ExoInstaller is required and available for download.

Zenotec Systems
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(These pages and the information contained herein are intended for health professionals and are not intended for the general public. By continuing to use this website, you confirm that you are a professional within Section 2a of Act No. 40/1995 Coll., on the Regulation of Advertising, as amended, and that you are aware of the risks associated with the information thus provided in case you are not a professional.)