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Adhese® Universal

Top quality in the efficient VivaPen®

Universal adhesion with advanced delivery

Adhese Universal is a single-component, light-cured adhesive for direct and indirect bonding procedures and all etching protocols[1]. It is the only universal bonding agent available in the efficient VivaPen delivery form.

Users of Adhese Universal are delighted by the new, innovative and user-friendly VivaPen delivery form, which provides up to four times more applications per ml compared with conventional bottles[2]. Adhese Universal offers reliably high adhesion values and the included desensitising effect ensures minimal risk of postoperative sensitivities[3].

Convince yourself of the benefits of the user-friendly VivaPen. Its pen-like design and bendable tip allow you to apply the adhesive quickly and effectively directly in the patient's mouth[4]. It does not have to be predispensed into a mixing well.

Greater confidence
  • Simple application protocol: fast and controlled application directly in the patient's mouth[4]
  • Precise dispensing due to the improved "click" mechanism
  • Reliable high bond strength (> 25 MPa) on enamel and dentin irrespective of the etching protocol used or the moisture conditions on the tooth surface
  • Minimised risk of postoperative sensitivity under dry and wet conditions[3]
Uncompromising quality
  • Predictable high bond strength (> 25 MPa) on enamel and dentin
  • Integrated desensitizing effect that minimizes the risk of postoperative sensitivity[3]
Outstanding esthetics
  • Since Adhese Universal can be applied very thinly, you have all the freedom you need to create esthetically demanding restorations
  • Low film thickness (approx. 10 μm) after light-curing ensures a precise fit when cementing indirect restorations
Efficiency down the line
  • Efficient dispensing with the VivaPen: up to four times more applications per ml compared with conventional bottles[2]
  • 187 single-tooth applications with 1 VivaPen[2]
  • Quick and reliable light-curing in just 5 seconds (with a light intensity of 2000 mW/cm2) - with the Bluephase PowerCure in the 3sCure mode, the curing process is reduced to only 3 seconds
  • Universal application: for direct and indirect bonding procedures and all etching protocols[1]
Field of application – direct restorations
  • Direct-placed light-curing composite and compomer restorations
  • Direct-placed core build-ups with light-, self- and dual-curing composites (no activator required with dual-curing composites)
  • Repair of fractured composite and compomer restorations
  • Desensitization of hypersensitive cervical areas
  • Sealing of prepared tooth surfaces before the temporary / permanent cementation of indirect restorations
Field of application – indirect restorations
  • Adhesive cementation of indirect restorations with light- and dual-curing luting composites (no activator required with dual-curing luting cements)
  • Suitable as a primer for restorations made from Tetric CAD composite blocks

Suited to Variolink Esthetic[5-7]

Quality that stands out

The first working steps decisively influence the esthetic appearance and quality of the final restoration. Here is a detailed overview of the numerous advantages of Adhese Universal:

High bond strength for greater confidence

Adhese Universal achieves high bond strength values (> 25 MPa) on enamel and dentin irrespective of the etching protocol used or the moisture conditions on the tooth surface. Predictable, high bond strength values allow you to work with confidence.

Minimised risk of postoperative sensitivity[3]

Adhese Universal features an integrated desensitizing effect, which eliminates the need for a separate desensitizing agent. Adhese Universal forms a mechanical barrier and seals the dentin tubules under wet and dry conditions.

Desensitizing effect

Hypersensitivity can be one of the most challenging concerns for dentists in clinical practice. The integrated desensitizing effect of Adhese Universal minimizes the risk of postoperative sensitivity without the application of a separate desensitizing agent. Adhese Universal provides uniform mechanical blockage and sealing of the dentin tubules under wet and dry conditions. As a result, a homogeneous adhesive layer with defined resin tags is formed, which effectively seals the dentin. The movement of dentinal fluid within the tubules as well as postoperative sensitivity associated with that movement are minimized.

Low layer thickness for precise luting and aesthetic results

Since Adhese Universal can be applied very thinly, you have all the freedom you need to create esthetic direct and indirect restorations. The adhesive establishes a sound foundation for achieving customized solutions and aesthetic results.

Threefold efficiency

Adhese Universal provides threefold efficiency. It is suitable for universal use, reduces the amount of material wasted and requires only short light exposures.

    1 | Efficient dispensing with the VivaPen

    Simple “Click” activation dispenses the exact amount of material needed for each procedure. The adhesive in one VivaPen is sufficient for 187 single-tooth applications.[2] Dispensing of adhesive material into a mixing well is no longer required, which results in a significant reduction in material waste.

    Up to 4x more applications[2]

    With Adhese Universal in the VivaPen, up to four times more applications per ml are possible compared with conventional bottles.

    2 | Fast, reliable cure

    Adhese Universal is cured with conventional curing lights (with a light intensity of 2,000 mW/cm2) in just 5 seconds. For restorations of Class I and II cavities in permanent posterior teeth with occlusal ligh curing using the Bluephase PowerCure with a light intensity of 3000 mW/cm2 the curing process is reduced to only 3 seconds.

    3-second cure with the Bluephase PowerCure in the 3s curing mode.

    Learn more about our 3s PowerCure workflow.

    3 | Adhese Universal is suitable for direct and indirect restorations:[1]
    • Mild acidic properties allow compatibility with light-, self- and dual-cure composite filling materials as well as light- and dual-cure luting cements
    • No activator is required with dual-cure composites and luting cements
    • Very low film thickness (approx. 10 μm) after light-curing – will not impede the fitting accuracy of indirect restorations

    Direct restorations

    • Direct composite resin fillings
    • Direct core build-ups
    • Intraoral repair of fractured composite resin fillings

    Indirect restorations[1]

    • Adhesive cementation of indirect restorations
    • Suitable as a primer for restorations made from Tetric CAD composite blocks
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