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Media release

Schaan, Liechtenstein – 2 listopada 2021

Intuicyjny i inteligentny: funkcjonalność IoT nowych pieców Programat® firmy Ivoclar Vivadent została wyjątkowo dobrze przyjęta

Najnowsza generacja pieców do tłoczenia i ceramiki wyposażona jest w inteligentną funkcjonalność IoT, zapewniając technikom dentystycznym komfort i niezawodność. Więcej

Schaan, Liechtenstein – 5 October 2021

Essential for a beautiful and healthy smile

Ivoclar Vivadent is pleased to present the new Proxyt Single Dose delivery form, which is the ideal solution for the efficient and gentle cleaning and polishing of teeth. Read more


Schaan, Liechtenstein – 5 October 2021

More choice: Ivoclar Vivadent doubles the number of shades available for SR Vivodent and fulfils the wish of patients for a personalized smile

To date, the teeth have been available in 20 Chromascop shades. Now this selection is set to grow by an additional 16 A–D and 4 Bleach shades. Read more


Schaan, Liechtenstein – 5 October 2021

Success story: Ivoclar Vivadent looks back on a year of the Ivotion Denture System - and presents even more application options and a greater choice of gingiva shades

It has been just over a year since the innovative Ivotion Denture System from Ivoclar Vivadent revolutionized the fabrication of removable dentures. Read more


Schaan, Liechtenstein – 14 September 2021

Threefold efficiency: Ivoclar Vivadent introduces a new generation of the unique Adhese Universal VivaPen for universal bonding applications

Ivoclar Vivadent, one of the world’s leading suppliers of integrated solutions for high-quality dental applications and a comprehensive product and systems portfolio for dentists and dental technicians, is the manufacturer of Adhese Universal, a light-curing single-component adhesive for direct and indirect restorations and all etching techniques. Read more


Schaan, Liechtenstein – 14 September 2021

Zirconium oxide: where esthetics meets efficiency. Ivoclar Vivadent presents the new IPS e.max ZirCAD Prime Esthetic

IPS e.max ZirCAD Prime Esthetic offers high quality, accuracy of fit, stability and extremely natural looking results. Read more


Schaan, Liechtenstein – 14 September 2021

Strong in any situation: Ivoclar Vivadent is pleased to present Adhese Universal DC, a dual-cured adhesive for universal use

The new dual-cure feature makes Adhese Universal DC highly versatile. It is the ideal adhesive for Variolink Esthetic in the cementation of all types of restorations and root canal posts. Read more


Schaan, Liechtenstein – 1 September 2021

Speed up your practice: Ivoclar Vivadent presents new combination furnace for quick crystallization, sintering, and glazing

Now, the success story continues with the introduction of the all new Programat CS6. The new combination furnace can crystalize, sinter, and glaze all-ceramic restorations faster than ever before with unsurpassed esthetic results. Read more


Schaan, Liechtenstein – 15 July 2021

Ivoclar Vivadent PrograScan PS3 and PS5 - simply scan and design

Two new scanners offer optimum results and state-of-the art scanning features for precise scanning in your daily laboratory routine. Read more


Schaan, Liechtenstein – 20 May 2021

Reliable, fast and intuitive: Ivoclar Vivadent is presenting the new Programat S2 sintering furnace

The new furnace is the result of the consistent further development of the predecessor Programat S1 1600. It is a compact unit that provides exceptionally accurate sintering results combined with a high level of user friendliness. Read more


Schaan, Liechtenstein – 23 April 2021

Ivoclar Vivadent is pleased to present Cention Forte, a pioneering filling material that features bioactive ion release

The bioactive powder-liquid filling material is a truly innovative alternative to conventional amalgam filling materials. It is characterized by exceptional durability, high flexural strength, true-to-nature esthetics and bioactive ion release. Read more


Schaan, Liechtenstein – 19 April 2021

Ivoclar Vivadent introduces a new Programat generation enhanced with smart features and launches an attractive pre-order campaign

For over 40 years, Ivoclar Vivadent has been at the forefront of continuous innovations in the field of dental furnaces and is a global market leader in this segment. Read more


Schaan, Liechtenstein – 19 April 2021

Press technique turns 30: laboratory-tested and future-proof

Every four seconds, somewhere in the world, a restoration made with Ivoclar pressed ceramics is placed. Despite the arrival of other new fabrication methods, dentists and dental technicians continue to trust this unique procedure – using it with enthusiasm and conviction. Read more


Schaan, Liechtenstein – 26 February 2021

Ideal gateway to zirconium oxide milling: the new PrograMill DRY

Dental laboratories looking to mill zirconia restorations safely and efficiently in-house will find the new PrograMill DRY milling unit from Ivoclar Vivadent the ideal gateway. Read more


Schaan, Liechtenstein – 1 February 2021

Introducing PrograScan One: Accurate scanning experience with high precision results

The two new PrograScan One intraoral scanners powered by 3Shape supplement the fully integrated chairside system and enable dentists to deliver highly accurate, esthetic restorations. Read more


Schaan, Liechtenstein – 28 January 2021

IvoSmile App helps dentists and labs to envision a patient's new smile together

Augmented reality makes it possible: The IvoSmile app from Ivoclar Vivadent enables immediate 3D real-time visualization of esthetic dental treatments for the first time. The new, optimized version of the app now allows complete CAD integration into 3Shape Dental System software. Read more

Schaan, Liechtenstein – 26 październik 2022

Ivoclar potwierdza swój udział w targach IDS 2023: wraz ze stuletnim doświadczeniem, prosto z Liechtensteinu

Od 14 do 18 marca, podczas największych targów stomatologicznych firma Ivoclar zaprezentuje swoją ofertę: innowacyjne rozwiązania i wiele więcej. Rok 2023 będzie znaczący dla firmy z Liechtensteinu, ponieważ będzie ona obchodzić stulecie istnienia, podobnie jak IDS spojrzy wstecz na sto lat swojej historii. Więcej


Schaan, Liechtenstein – 3 pażdziernik 2022

Partnerstwo strategiczne: Dzięki integracji z DentalCAD, firmy Ivoclar i exocad rozszerzają możliwości w zakresie wykonywania protez cyfrowych

Ten innowacyjny, wielokrotnie nagradzany system jest pionierem w dziedzinie cyfrowego wytwarzania wysokiej jakości protez z pojedynczego monolitycznego dysku w jednym cyklu frezowania. Więcej


Schaan, Liechtenstein – 1 September 2022

Grupa Ivoclar przyjmuje do Rady Nadzorczej nową członkinię - Dr Friederike Hoffmann-Sieg

Grupa Ivoclar z siedzibą w Schaan, Liechtenstein, przyjęła do swojej Rady Nadzorczej Dr Friederike Hoffmann-Sieg. Będzie ona wspierać działającą na całym świecie firmę stomatologiczną swoim doświadczeniem w zakresie digitalizacji. Więcej

Schaan, Liechtenstein – 17 marca 2022

Znaczący wzrost dla Grupy Ivoclar

Firma z siedzibą w Liechtensteinie, działająca w branży stomatologii, odnotowała silny wzrost w roku 2021, osiągając obroty w wysokości ponad 840 mln franków szwajcarskich. Więcej

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