• Error
    An error occurred during initialising the login and registering functionality. Please inform the administrator.


Customer Service (Služba za korisnike)
Služba za korisnike vaš je izravni kontakt za isporuke i odnose.
Telefon +423 235 35 35
Službu za korisnike možete dobiti telefonom od ponedjeljka do četvrtka u vremenu od 7.30 do 16.45 sati i petkom od 7.30 do 15.00 sati.


Customer Care (Briga o kupcima)
Customer Care is your first point of contact for troubleshooting and/or problem solving regarding your Ivoclar products.
Telefon: 00800 7000 7080
E-pošta: customercare.emea@ivoclar.com
You can reach the Customer Care from Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.