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Workflow Innovations

Effective workflows for streamlined processes, increased productivity, and more predictable esthetics in your daily routine in practice and the dental lab.

Ivoclar complete product systems work together in concert to ensure efficient and reliable results. Our smart systems are designed for entire workflows, from initial consultations with the patient to after-care, and all steps in between. The benefits of our workflow approach:

  • Simple and intuitive processes save you time and deliver reliable results
  • Perfectly matched products create additional value for you
  • More control in your daily operations increases efficiency

Workflows for Dentists

Workflows for Dental Technicians

Did you know the ceramic IPS e.max Press in our reliable Press Technology workflow has a survival rate of over 96%[7] and a 10-year guarantee?                                                                                         
Did you know that our Conventional Removable Prosthetics workflow produces dentures more efficiently thanks to our coordinated products and processes?
Did you know that our highly precise Zirconia Restorations workflow can save you time and increase your productivity?                                                                                                                    
Did you know that our fast Digital Denture workflow only uses one disc to create finished dentures?                                                                                                                                                                       
Did you know that our innovative 3D Printing workflow is engineered specifically for dental needs?                                                                                                

[1] L. Enggist, Comparison of conventional workflow in direct filling therapy with 3sCure System: Time need in three different German dental offices, Test Report, Ivoclar, 2020.
[2] N. Ragazzini, Comparison of restorative time of direct fillings class I & II placed with traditional layering technique or bulk layering technique, Clinical Report, Bologna, 2020.
[3] A. Lebedenko, Comparative fillings: Conventional layering technique versus 3sCure two-layer technique, Test Report, Ivoclar, 2018.
[4] N. Lawson, Clinical evaluation of a bulk fill resin composite, 24-month report, Study Report, Birmingham (US), 2020.
[5] Based on sales figures.
[6] Functional impression and support pin registration in one appointment.
[7] Malament K.A. et al, Ten-year survival of pressed, acid-etched e.max lithium disilicate monolithic and bilayered complete-coverage restorations: Performance and outcomes as a function of tooth position and age. Journal of prosthetic dentistry, 2019, 121, p.782-790.