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Etch & Prime®

Etch and prime in one easy step
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Easy conditioning of glass-ceramic restorations

Monobond Etch & Prime is the world's first and to date only single component ceramic primer that etches and silanates glass-ceramic surfaces in one step. The unpopular etching of contact surfaces with hydrofluoric acid is no longer necessary. As a result, the conditioning step is faster and safer than with conventional methods.

Your advantages at a glance

Short process

The combination of etching and silanating considerably shortens the customary conditioning process of glass-ceramic restorations. At the same time, saliva and silicone residue is cleaned from the surface.

Easy and safe to use

The self-etching primer is easy and safe to use and will not cause over-etching of glass-ceramic surfaces. Restorations that have been conditioned in the laboratory may be conditioned again with Monobond Etch & Prime if necessary

Strong, durable bond

Monobond Etch & Prime reacts with the the glass-ceramic and helps to generate a reliable and durable bond to restorations.[1, 2] When used in combination with the adhesive luting composite Variolink® Esthetic, Monobond Etch & Prime ensures high bond strength in adhesive cementation procedures.[3, 4]

Optimally suitable for the adhesive cementation of glass-ceramics

Monobond Etch & Prime is recommended for the conditioning of glass-ceramic materials from Ivoclar:

  • IPS e.max CAD
  • IPS e.max Press
  • IPS Empress CAD


Extraoral pre-treatment of silicate ceramic surfaces in preparation for adhesive cementation with luting composites, e.g. Variolink Esthetic.

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