Accountability is a mindset
We are well aware that a company cannot operate in a vacuum. As a business we carry major responsibilities: not only for the prosperity we generate, but also for managing our natural resources for future generations and for ensuring the fair and just treatment of everyone around us.
We are a family business and we always think in the long term. We believe in sustainable growth, which will ultimately benefit our stakeholders. The three pillars of sustainability – economic, environmental and social – provide the framework for our commitment to ensuring our common well-being.
Our values

We support Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
We are a learning company and all our activities are part of a process of continuous improvement. We are highly conscious of the fact that our actions impact all 17 SDGs. Therefore, we are focusing our efforts on the SDGs 3, 4, 8, 9 and 13.

We offer secure, modern and professional job opportunities.
Responsible action is more than just a catchphrase for us. We are committed to acting sustainably throughout our entire value chain. This begins with our company’s employees: As a responsible employer we create attractive job opportunities and we advocate equal opportunities, diversity and inclusion. Programs to improve work satisfaction are just as important to us as initiatives that enable employees to reconcile their private and professional life. We offer all our staff members specialized further development and training programs.
We employ around 3,600 women and men under fair and equitable working conditions at our company headquarters in Liechtenstein and in our subsidiaries and branches throughout the world. We believe in recruiting local people in order to benefit the regional labour markets. We prefer to work with local suppliers in an effort to minimize negative environmental impacts.

We are close to our customers.
Actively responding to the requirements of our customers is in our DNA. When we design and develop applications for our dentist and dental technician customers we always take the treatment needs of their patients into account.
We are committed to supporting dentists, dental technicians and dental hygienists in developing their knowledge and expertise and in honing their skills to perfection. Our commitment comes in the form of numerous advanced education and training offerings around the world.

We engage with local communities across the globe.
We are grateful for our success and believe in giving back. In addition to promoting the further development of our employees, we are passionate about supporting a variety of social and charitable projects, in some instances over a period of many years.

In 2023 – our centenary year – we have succeeded in establishing Ivoclar Joy, our own Ivoclar aid program, at the initiative of Christine Zeller, Vice President of the Supervisory Board of the Ivoclar Group. With Ivoclar Joy we provide dental care to children and young people in underserviced regions worldwide and raise awareness about oral health in these groups to enhance their potential for a positive and successful future: Ivoclar Joy.