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[1] Based on sales figures, market share data on file
[2] IPS e.max CAD posterior crowns over a period 10 years. Replacement was due to technical failures like Fraktur/Chipping.
Heintze S., Clinical efficacy of monolithic crowns made of IPS e.max CAD on posterior teeth, Test Report, Ivoclar Vivadent, 2021.
[3] Rauch A., Reich S., Dalchau L., Schierz O., Clinical survival of chair-side generated monolithic lithium disilicate crowns: 10-year results. Clinical Oral Investigations, 2018, 22, p. 1763-1769.
[4] Fasbinder D. J., Neiva G., Heys D., Heys R. J., Clinical evaluation of glass ceramic material for chairside CAD/CAM crowns: 10-year report. Study report for Ivoclar Vivadent AG, 2017b.
[5] Boldt J., Spitznagel F. A., Lithium disilicate: Indications and scientific evidence, Deutsche Zahnärztliche Zeitschrift, 2017, 72 (4), p. 319-325.
[6] Güttich J., Time difference IPS e.max CAD mode fine / fast CEREC Primemill, Test Report, Ivoclar Vivadent, 2021.
[7] LT, MT, HT, with IPS e.max CAD Crystall./ Glaze Spray or Self Glaze technique, 2 restorations.
Arnold L., IPS e.max CAD crystallization program durations of Programat CS2, CS3 and CS6, Test Report, Ivoclar Vivadent, 2021.
[8] Block shades and translucencies available on Ivoclar.com