Master the art of storytelling as much as you have the art of dentistry and everything is possible.

Ideal preparations, beautiful ceramics and strong adhesion…If being an excellent operator was all it took to have a highly successful practice, there would be far more highly successful practices.


In today’s dental world, we need more than clinical excellence to separate ourselves from the pack. We need connection. We need to relate. What would happen if every patient truly knew everything you knew? What if they, without question, understood all that you understand? What answer do you believe you’d here far more often?


A very wise John Quincy Adams once said, whoever tells the best story wins. I’d agree. I’ve seen it. So have you. Every time a patient comes in for a second opinion and says yes to you when they said no or maybe to several other solid dentists who proposed the exact same plan. How about those rare, yet very painful moments a patient returns with new veneers from someone else?


Enter the 5 C’s of Storytelling:


The 5 C's and its benefits:

Learn to create context for what you’re going to share


Learn to peak interest immediately.


Learn to customize based on who is in front of you.


Learn to listen and deliver what matters most.


Learn to solve a problem.

The best planning strategy is useless, if information is poorly disseminated. By applying these simple fundamentals, you will connect with your patients on a personal level, and be less of their "Dentist" but more of someone they have come to trust and confide in.

Dr David Rice
Founder of the nation’s largest student and new dentist community, igniteDDS, Dr. David Rice travels  the world speaking, writing and connecting today’s top young dentists with tomorrow’s most successful dental practices.  In addition to igniteDDS, Dr. Rice maintains a team-centered, restorative and implant practice in East Amherst, NY.  With 25 years of practice in the books, he has completed curriculums at the Spear Center, The Pankey Institute, The Dawson Center and most prolifically, the school of hard knocks.   
Ignite DDS
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