All you need for IPS e.max CAD restorations in a single visit
This coordinated workflow based on the world’s best-selling glass-ceramic[1] IPS e.max CAD offers all that is needed for treatment in a single visit – from initial consultation to aftercare. You benefit from durable, esthetic and accurate restorations paired with efficient and time-saving workflows.
1. Consult
2. Isolate
3. Select
4. Produce
5. Firing
6. Cement
7. Service and support
[1] Cajazeira MRR et al., Am. J. Dent. 2014, 27(3), p. 155-159.
[2] Based on sales figures.
[3] Average biaxial flexural strength; outcome after more than 10 years of ongoing quality testing, R&D Ivoclar, Schaan.
[4] Fasbinder D. J et al., Study report, 2017b.
[5] Rauch A et al., Clin. Oral Investig. 2018, 22, p. 1763-1769.
[6] Boldt J, Spitznagel F. A, Dtsch. Zahnärztl. Z. 2017, 72 (4), p. 319-325.
[7] The survival rate of monolithic IPS e.max CAD posterior crowns was evaluated with the Kaplan-Meier method. The failure rate refers to technical failures such as fractures and chipping, R&D Ivoclar, Schaan.
[8] Programat CS6, Superspeed crystallization, 11:10 minutes, IPS e.max CAD HT, MT, LT, IPS e.max CAD Crystall./ Glaze Spray or Self Glaze, max. 2 restorations, R&D Ivoclar, Schaan.
[9] Gianasmidis A, DZW 2016 (39), p.18-19.
[10] Flamee Set al., Eur. Arch. Paediatr. Dent. 2015, 16, p. 449-454.
[11] Baygin O et al., Med. Oral Patol. Oral Cir. Bucal 2013, 18, p. 362-370.
[12] Weigand C et al., J. Dent. Res., 2007, 86 Spec Issue B, Abstract #0154.
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