A masterpiece for greater efficiency: IPS e.max® ZirCAD Prime blocks empower you to reach the next level of speed, strength and esthetics in the production of monolithic zirconia crowns. Faster than ever before: Sinter crowns in just 15 minutes with the Ivoclar Programat® CS6 and achieve reliable and esthetic results without any loss of strength.[1]
Even faster. Even stronger.
Quickly sinter your restorations in just 15 minutes using a sintering furnace such as the Programat CS6[1].
Robust and enduring: Flexural strength of 1,100 MPa[2] allows you to minimize the wall thickness of crowns to 0.8 mm.
Achieve natural-looking and esthetic results due to the smooth progression of shade and translucency from the dentin (3Y-TZP zirconia material) to the translucent incisal area (5Y-PSZ zirconia material).
Place the restorations with a conventional cement, e.g. ZirCAD® Cement; or use a self-adhesive or adhesive cementation protocol instead.
A block that combines esthetics and versatility
Various possibilities for maximum flexibility
IPS e.max® ZirCAD Prime - Chairside workflow with CEREC®**
Increased speed and performance in the CAD/CAM chairside workflow
[1] Programat CS6, Superspeed sintering in 15 minutes, without predrying, three crowns or CEREC®** SpeedFire 16 minutes, without predrying, two crowns. R&D Ivoclar, Schaan.
[2] Dentin, typical mean value of biaxial flexural strength, R&D Ivoclar, Schaan.
[3] At natural light conditions. The use of artificially generated UV or UV-like light may result in a different impression. Available with the CEREC®** software version 5.2.10 and Programat CS6 software version 2.1., Programat CS4 software version 2.1.
[4] Programat CS6, Superspeed crystallization, 11:10 Minuten, IPS e.max CAD HT, MT, LT, IPS e.max CAD Crystall./Glaze Spray or Self Glaze technique, max. two restorations, R&D Ivoclar, Schaan. Addtional data on file.
[5] The survival rate of monolithic IPS e.max CAD posterior crowns was evaluated with the Kaplan-Meier method. The failure rate refers to technical failures like fracture and chipping, R&D Ivoclar, Schaan.
[6] Hu (2023), Clinical esthetics with IPS e.max ZirCAD Prime on a lower first molar, Test Report, Ivoclar Vivadent, 2023. Data on file. Scientific Report: IPS e.max ZirCAD Prime. Vol. 01/2023.
** CEREC® is not a registered trademark of Ivoclar Vivadent AG.