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Extra Oral

Work faster,
shine brighter

Efficient extraoral
polishing of ceramic restorations

IPS e.max® CAD, IPS e.max® ZirCAD Prime* and IPS Empress® CAD are chairside materials designed for fast processing. The OptraGloss® Extra Oral two-step diamond polishers simplify the workflow for using these materials even more, allowing for additional time savings. With the optional polishing paste, the final result can be enhanced still further, ensuring it meets the highest esthetic standards.

Try it. Love it.
Why it's worth trying OptraGloss® Extra Oral

Easy application

The dimensionally stable, diamond-infused rubber polishers delight users with their easy and efficient application. All surface areas of a restoration can be effectively polished with three coordinated shapes: "Spiral Wheel", "Disc" and "Flame".

Quick polishing results

With OptraGloss® Extra Oral you can achieve a high-gloss polish in just a few minutes.


OptraGloss® Extra Oral polishers have a long service life. Based on your specific requirements and preferences, you can order the polishers and the paste either separately or in pre-assembled sets.


The polishers are suitable for all oxide ceramics and glass ceramics. They can even be used on zirconium oxide prior to sintering and on lithium disilicate before crystallization.

We like it when we get polished 

OptraGloss® Extra Oral Polishers are perfectly suitable for the high-gloss polishing of oxide ceramics and glass ceramics:
• IPS e.max® ZirCAD Prime*
• IPS e.max® CAD
• IPS Empress® CAD

Proven performance –
scientific report[1]

Average surface roughness values of <0.2 μm are achieved on IPS e.max® CAD and IPS e.max® ZirCAD Prime* in only two polishing steps. This value demonstrates the excellent polishing performance of OptraGloss® Extra Oral and is crucial for preventing plaque accumulation and discoloration.

OptraGloss® Extra Oral

Our range at a glance


Instruments for pre-polishing (PP) are dark blue and can also be used to remove machining grooves even before sintering or crystallization.

High-gloss polishing

Instruments for high-gloss (HP) polishing are light blue. They are used to polish the surface to a true-to-nature lustre. 

Diamond polishing paste

The diamond polishing paste is used together with a goat hair brush wheel for achieving the highest standards.



Outstanding results

An unpolished restoration was transformed into a highly esthetic result in just a few minutes. First, the sintered crown was pre-polished and then high-gloss polished with the OptraGloss® Extra Oral HP polishers. Finally, OptraGloss® Extra Oral polishing paste was applied using a goat hair brush wheel. Shown on an IPS e.max® ZirCAD Prime* restoration:

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