Tetric CAD is an esthetic composite block for the efficient fabrication of single-tooth restorations (flexural strength: 272 MPa[1]).
Due to the pronounced chameleon effect, Tetric CAD restorations blend in with the residual tooth structure in an optically pleasing manner.[2]
The restoration is polished after milling and then seated using an adhesive cementation protocol. This processing technique is very efficient and leads to an esthetic result quickly and easily.
Processing options:
After the grinding process, the restorations can be:
- polished
- optionally: characterized
Types of restorations:
- Veneers
- Inlays
- Onlays (e.g. occlusal veneers, partial crowns)
- Crowns
- Natural integration into the oral environment due to the unique chameleon effect2]
- Excellent polishability and intraoral repairability
- Easy and efficient processing
- Stability in limited layer thicknesses; restorations with thinly tapered margins possible
- Durable bond due to coordinated luting system
Block sizes:
- C14
Translucency levels:
- 2 (HT – High Translucency, MT – Medium Translucency)
- 5 (BL, A1, A2, A3, A3.5; the shade offering varies, depending on the translucency level)
Authorized CAD/CAM systems:
- Ivoclar:
- PrograMill® PM3 / PM5 / PM7
- Zenotec® select hybrid
- Amann Girrbach:
- ceramill® motion 2 / motion 3 /drs
- ceramill® matik
- Planmeca:
- PlanMill® 30 S / 40 /40 S
- Dentsply Sirona:
- inLab® MC XL / MC X5
- CEREC® MC / MC X / MC XL / Primemill
[1] Typical mean value of the biaxial flexural strength, R&D Ivoclar Vivadent AG,Schaan, Liechtenstein
[2] At natural lighting conditions. The use of artificially generated UV or UV-like light may result in a different impression.
CEREC®, inLab®, PlanMill® and ceramill® are not registered trademarks of Ivoclar
Vivadent AG.