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IPS e.max

All-ceramics for impressive results
Trust the quality of IPS e.max! Discover for yourself our materials for almost all restorative treatments.
IPS e.max ZirCAD Prime & ​​​​​​​IPS e.max ZirCAD Prime Esthetic
The ultimate zirconium oxide
Your aim is to give your patients a long-lasting new smile. In order to fulfil your goal of achieving customized results, you need a dental material that is not only durable and stable, but also esthetic.
Learn more about zirconium oxide materials
The highly esthetic lithium disilicate glass-ceramic
IPS e.max CAD
IPS e.max CAD is the world’s best-selling glass-ceramic[1] and is suitable for the efficient fabrication of full-contour restorations with high flexural strength[2].
• Clinical long-term success and scientifically documented results[3-5]
• Excellent esthetics and high strength of 530 MPa[2] combined with a 10-year guarantee
• 97.2% survival rate of posterior crowns over a period of 10 years[6]
Learn more about IPS e.max CAD
IPS e.max Press
The original lithium disilicate press ceramic
IPS e.max Press is the original premium lithium disilicate glass-ceramic  for the press technique. It combines accuracy of fit with function, esthetics and high strength. IPS e.max Press is especially suitable for minimally invasive solutions.
Learn more about lithium disilicate press ceramic
Trust builds confidence
10-year IPS e.max guarantee
Over 170 million restorations placed[1], convincing survival rates[6], many years of proven clinical performance[3-5]: IPS e.max stands for quality, esthetics and longevity. The IPS e.max guarantee is as promising as the material itself.
Learn more about IPS e.max guarantee
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(These pages and the information contained herein are intended for health professionals and are not intended for the general public. By continuing to use this website, you confirm that you are a professional within Section 2a of Act No. 40/1995 Coll., on the Regulation of Advertising, as amended, and that you are aware of the risks associated with the information thus provided in case you are not a professional.)