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Bluephase PowerCure

Pametno strjevanje na dosegu roke
Visoko zmogljiva luč za strjevanje s pametnim pomočnikom za strjevanje

Iščete luč za utrjevanje, ki je sposobna več? Če je odgovor da, boste uživali v uporabi Bluephase PowerCure. Visoko zmogljiva naprava za utrjevanje združuje inteligenco in učinkovitost.

Bluephase PowerCure ima inteligentnega pomočnika za utrjevanje s svetlobo, ki vas opozori pri nepravilni uporabi. Kratki časi izpostavljenosti svetlobi, od 3 sekund naprej, vam omogočajo učinkovito delo.
Prednosti Bluephase PowerCure

Zadostno strjevanje je predpogoj za estetske in visokokakovostne direktne in indirektne restavracije. Bluephase PowerCure vam pri tem pomaga.

  • Vključite pomočnika za utrjevanje s pametno svetlobo s patentirano tehnologijo Polyvision.
  • Pomočnik za utrjevanje s svetlobo zazna premikanje nastavka med postopkom polimerizacije in vas opozori na nepravilno delovanje.
  • Največja združljivost z različnimi materiali: primeren za polimerizacijo vseh vrst trenutnih zobnih materialov, ki se utrjujejo s svetlobo.
  • Visoka intenzivnost svetlobe omogoča polimerizacijo direktnih in indirektnih restavracij.
  • Enakomerna polimerizacija zaradi enakomerne porazdelitve svetlobe.




  • Osvetljeni zaslon vas obvešča o programu strjevanja in času postopka strjevanja.

  • Štirje načini strjevanja svetlobe zagotavljajo vsestransko uporabo.

  • Široko vrtljivo vodilo za svetlobo pomaga prihraniti čas.
  • Kratki časi osvetlitve od 3 sekund dalje.[1]
Dental Advisor Editors’ Choice
Bluephase PowerCure je prejel nagrado Dental Advisor Editors' Choice. Naša visokozmogljiva luč za utrjevanje je naredila odličen vtis na sodnike, ki so jo ocenili z odlično oceno 5+.
See for yourself.

Kako bo zgledala prihodnost polimerizacije?

Pametna pomoč

Inteligentni pomočnik za utrjevanje s svetlobo v aparatu Bluephase PowerCure zazna, ko se nastavek med polimerizacijo premakne.

Manjši premik

  • En vibracijski signal
  • Podaljšanje svetlobnega strjevanja za 10 sekund

Precejšen premik

  • Tri vibracijski signali
  • Zvočni signal
  • Zaključek postopka strjevanja
  • Ponovitev postopka strjevanja

When the light tip points into open space, the device cannot be activated.

Reliable results

Proper use is a prerequisite for sufficient polymerization. What is more, the quality of the device is just as important.

Unlimited compatibility with different materials
The wide spectrum of wavelengths renders the light suitable for all current light-curing dental materials.

High light intensity
The high light intensity of the curing light enables it to polymerize both direct and indirect restorations.

Consistent light performance
The light intensity of every curing mode is calibrated to +/–10 per cent.

Uniform polymerization
Due to homogeneous light distribution across the light tip.

Beam profiles of the curing light modes of the Bluephase PowerCure

The beam profiles taken under identical conditions at a distance of 0 mm by Dr Richard Price, Dalhousie University, Canada, show the distribution of the unfiltered blue and purple light at the tip of the Bluephase PowerCure light guide. The Bluephase PowerCure has an excellent beam profile that delivers a homogeneous light and wavelength output across the light tip. 

Clarity at all times 

The backlit display keeps you informed about the curing program and time of the curing process.

You can choose between four different light curing modes

  • 3sCure mode: 3000 mW/cm2
    Reliable curing of Adhese® Universal and the 4-mm composites Tetric® PowerFill and Tetric® PowerFlow in only 3 seconds.[2] 
  • Turbo mode: 2000 mW/cm2  
    5-second curing. Suitable for all types of restorations, particularly suitable for the polymerization of luting composites under indirect restorations. The high light intensity ensures that enough energy passes through all-ceramic crowns and inlays: e.g. made of IPS e.max® or IPS Empress®.

  • High-power mode: 1200 mW/cm2
    Suitable for common day-to-day treatments.

  • PreCure mode: 950 mW/cm2
    Particularly suitable for the removal of excess light-curing adhesive luting composites, e.g. Variolink Esthetic.

Short light curing times
  • In most cases, the 9-mm light guide enables efficient one-time light exposure.  
  • The high-performance Bluephase PowerCure offers short light exposure times starting from 3 seconds
  • In direct procedures involving Class I and II restorations, the treatment time can be reduced by up to 51 per cent. You can cure Adhese Universal, Tetric PowerFill and Tetric PowerFlow in only 3 seconds using the 3sCure mode.[1] Learn more

Do know about these features?

Wireless charging of batteries
Inductive charging allows you to recharge the handpiece without a power cord. Simply place the cordless handpiece in the charging station. 
What happens when the battery is empty?
When the battery is empty you can attach the handpiece to the power cord of the charging station.
Swivelling light guide
The light guide is shortened at the tip and can be freely rotated by 360 degrees, enabling access to tooth surfaces without the patient having to open their mouth uncomfortably wide.

Product comparison

Esthetic creations. Efficiency optimization.

This product forms part of the Efficient Esthetics portfolio. With this portfolio we aim to help you enhance your efficiency in the fabrication of esthetic restorations. Efficient treatment procedure – from preparation to restoration care.