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Ivoclar Group expands its Supervisory Board to include Dr Friederike Hoffmann-Sieg

Schaan, Liechtenstein – 1 September 2022

The Ivoclar Group headquartered in Schaan, Liechtenstein, has added a new member to its Supervisory Board: Dr Friederike Hoffmann-Sieg will support the globally operating dental company with her expertise in the field of digitalisation.

"Following a period of transition and increased customer focus with special emphasis placed on creating a more integrated solutions offering, we are now ready to take the next step forward," says Dr Helmut Schuster, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, who is delighted to welcome the additional new member on Ivoclar's Supervisory Board. Dr Friederike Hoffmann-Sieg will reinforce the Supervisory Board of the Liechtenstein-based dental and medical device company with immediate effect. She will support Ivoclar's evolution into a more digitally- and data-driven company.

An experienced executive
Dr Friederike Hoffmann-Sieg is a German executive with extensive experience in the field of digitalization. In her current role she is Head of Connected Business Solutions, leading Swisscom’s B2B telecommunication business, and a member of the management board of Swisscom Enterprise in Zurich (Switzerland). She graduated with a master's degree in International Relations and Political Science from the Free University of Berlin (Germany) and earned a PhD in Business Leadership and Management at the University of St. Gallen (Switzerland).

Complementing the competencies of the existing Board members
Dr Hoffmann-Sieg will support the current members of the Supervisory Board, including Dr Helmut Schuster (Chairman of the Supervisory Board), Dr Matthias Donhauser (Vice-President of the Supervisory Board), Robert Ganley, Prof. Dr Peter Leibfried, Prof. Dr Ing. Wolfgang Reitzle, Christina Zeller and Christoph Zeller, with her expertise.


Dr Friederike Hoffmann-Sieg (centre) is looking forward to her future role as a member of the Supervisory Board of the Ivoclar Group together with Dr Helmut Schuster (left), Chairman of the Supervisory Board, and Christoph Zeller (right), Supervisory Board Member and representative of the owner family.

About the Ivoclar Group
The Ivoclar Group, headquartered in Schaan, Liechtenstein, is one of the world's leading providers of integrated solutions for high-quality dental applications. A comprehensive range of products, systems and services, intensive research and development and a clear commitment to training and continuing education form the basis for the company's success. With 47 subsidiaries and branch offices, the group supplies products to around 130 countries and employs approximately 3,500 people worldwide. For more information about the Ivoclar Group, please visit ivoclar.com.