IPS e.max ZirCAD Prime delivers a superior level of quality and high-end esthetics in zirconium oxide restorations. Furthermore, optimized workflows enhance the efficiency and profitability of your dental lab. The Prime product family includes IPS e.max ZirCAD Prime and IPS e.max ZirCAD Prime Esthetic, which complement each other in terms of their material composition and their range of applications.

IPS e.max ZirCAD Prime product family:
- High-quality restorations featuring a seamless internal progression of shade
- Precise shading of the material to match the desired A-D shade
- IPS e.max ZirCAD Prime: from crowns to wide-span bridges[2]
- IPS e.max ZirCAD Prime Esthetic: crowns and 3-unit bridges[2]
- Accommodates all fabrication techniques: glazing, staining, cut-back and infiltration[3]
- Unique manufacturing technology
- Lifelike esthetic appearance[1], high accuracy of fit and optimized translucency
- Intelligent disc design
- IPS e.max ZirCAD Prime is the all-round disc for a wide variety of applications and techniques
- IPS e.max ZirCAD Prime Esthetic is a specialist disc that allows natural-looking crowns[1] to be created efficiently
Further information on the two IPS e.max ZirCAD Prime discs and the GT Technology
IPS e.max ZirCAD Prime is the One-Disc Solution and therefore the all-round genius within the portfolio. The high-strength zirconium oxide material (1200 MPa[4]) is characterized by high accuracy of fit and exceptional quality.
The fascinating all-ceramic ingeniously combines esthetics with flexibility, and is suitable for versatile applications and fabrication techniques. Regardless of the type of restoration needed, whether it be an efficiently fabricated monolithic posterior crown, a stable bridge, an implant-supported restoration or a highly esthetic and elaborately customized single anterior tooth.
Wide spectrum of applications, ranging from crowns to wide-span bridges[2]
Extensive fabrication possibilities: staining, cut-back and infiltration
The One-Disc Solution simplifies stock management in the laboratory
Very high flexural strength (1200 MPa) in the dentin zone, where bridges have to withstand the strongest forces
For restorations on natural prepared tooth structure or on approved implant systems
Ideal for complex cases involving gingival recession or bone loss
Blend of two zirconium oxide raw materials (3Y-TZP and 5Y-TZP) without any layers
Progressively increasing translucency in the incisal zone, smooth shade progression and in the cervical zone a flexural strength of 1200 MPa.
High-end esthetics comparable to lithium disilicate
4 Bleach BL shades
16 A-D shades
Disc thicknesses: 14 mm, 16 mm, 20 mm, 25 mm

Due to its high mechanical stability of 1200 MPa[4], IPS e.max ZirCAD Prime covers all major applications – from single crowns to widespan bridges. Furthermore, it allows very thin, minimally invasive restorations to be made.
Full-contour crowns
Full-contour 3-unit bridges
Full-contour bridges composed of 4 or more units with max. 2 pontics
Crown copings
Bridge frameworks composed of 3 or more units with max. 2 pontics

MDT Vincent Fehmer (Switzerland) talks about the differences between conventional multi-layer zirconia and IPS e.max ZirCAD Prime. He mentions the smooth progression of shade and translucency within the disc in particular.
IPS e.max ZirCAD Prime: Impressions

Do you fashion the majority of your crowns with zirconium oxide? Do you have exacting expectations of the materials you use and the restorations you create? Are you constantly on the look-out for new and effortless ways to achieve impressive lifelike restorations[1]? If that is the case, we invite you to discover the new IPS e.max ZirCAD Prime Esthetic!
It takes only a few steps to produce esthetic monolithic restorations. Additional staining or a cut-back is unnecessary in most cases. Simple polishing or glazing is adequate for achieving an accurate match with the A-D shade guide. Efficiency and a low susceptibility to error are decisive benefits of the product.
Straightforward polishing with OptraGloss or glazing with the fluorescent IPS Ivocolor glazing paste
Reliable and reproducible process
Minimal manual effort, yet impressive natural-looking[1] results
For crowns and 3-unit bridges
For restorations of a consistently high level of esthetic quality
Blend of the two zirconium oxide raw materials 4Y-TZP and 5Y-TZP without any layers
Progressively higher translucency in the incisal zone, harmonious shade progression and a flexural strength of 850 MPa[5] in the dentin zone
4 Bleach BL shades
16 A-D shades
Disc thicknesses: 14 mm, 16 mm, 20 mm

IPS e.max ZirCAD Prime Esthetic: Impressions

GT Technology is the key to the seamless progression of shade[1] and translucency within the disc and the outstanding accuracy of fit of the product. It is based on a blend of two zirconium oxide raw materials of different strengths and optical characteristics.

Optimally coordinated shade
Highest translucency in the incisal zone
Highly esthetic 5Y-TZP zirconium oxide
Flexural strength: 650 MPa[6]
3-mm thickness, irrespective of the disc thickness
Seamless, layer-free transition zone
Natural shading from dentin to enamel
Increasing translucency in the incisal zone
Increasing flexural strength in the cervical zone
4-mm thickness, irrespective of the disc thickness
Maximum stability in the tooth neck zone
Coordinated shading and transluceny
IPS e.max ZirCAD Prime Esthetic: high-strength 4Y-TZP zirconium oxide featuring 850 MPa[5] flexural strength
IPS e.max ZirCAD Prime: high-strength 3Y-TZP zirconium oxide featuring 1200 MPa[4] flexural strength
Hight of the dentin zone varies depending on the disc thickness
The unique GT Technology is at the heart of IPS e.max ZirCAD Prime and IPS e.max ZirCAD Prime Esthetic. Innovative processing technology is used to manufacture the disc using a combination of two zirconium oxide raw materials (3Y-TZP or 4Y-TZP with 5Y-TZP) to produce the striking properties of the IPS e.max ZirCAD Prime material.
All IPS e.max ZirCAD Prime discs – irrespecitve of their thickness – have an incisal zone of 3 mm. It is composed of an ultra-translucent 5Y-TZP zirconium oxide material. The layer-free transition zone, which is significantly responsible for the highly esthetic appearance of the material, is produced as a result of the GT Technology and it is 4 mm thick.
The thickness of the dentin zone, which is composed of 4Y-TZP (IPS e.max ZirCAD Prime Esthetic) or 3Y-TZP zirconium oxide (IPS e.max ZirCAD Prime), varies depending on the thickness of the various discs. It ranges from 7 mm in the 14-mm disc up to 18 mm in the 25-mm disc.
IPS e.max ZirCAD Prime Esthetic and IPS e.max ZirCAD Prime ideally complement each other in terms of their material composition and their range of applications. While IPS e.max ZirCAD Prime Esthetic stands out because of its efficiency in the fabrication of crowns and 3-unit bridges, IPS e.max ZirCAD Prime is characterized by its versatility. Both materials exhibit excellent quality and esthetics.
[1] At natural lighting conditions. The use of artificially generated UV or UV-like light may result in a different impression.
[2] IPS e.max ZirCAD Prime is suitable for fabricating crowns and bridges composed of up to 14 units, while IPS e.max ZirCAD Prime Esthetic is used for creating crowns and three-unit bridges. R&D Ivoclar, Schaan, Liechtenstein
[3] IPS e.max ZirCAD Prime Esthetic is not approved for use in the veneering technique.
[4] Typical mean value of the biaxial strength in the dentin area (IPS e.max ZirCAD Prime), R&D Ivoclar Vivadent AG, Schaan, Liechtenstein
[5] Typical mean value of the biaxial strength in the dentin area (IPS e.max ZirCAD Prime Esthetic), R&D Ivoclar Vivadent AG, Schaan, Liechtenstein
[6] Typical mean value of the biaxial strength (dentin), R&D Ivoclar Vivadent AG, Schaan, Liechtenstein