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One disc. One denture.
Ivotion® is at the centre of the Ivotion® Denture System. This monolithic disc features both tooth and denture base materials and allows to fabricate customized complete dentures in one continuous milling process. The milled denture only needs polishing.

Monolithic Process with Ivotion®

1. Step
2. Step
3. Step

Data-based Shell Geometry for customized dentures

The Shell Geometry is a data-based, three-dimensional tooth and dental arch structure which is designed for fabricating upper and lower dentures. This innovative technology is located within the disc and defines the transition between the tooth and the denture base parts of the disc. In the intuitive CAD design process, the dentures are customized to the patient’s needs with the help of the Shell Geometry. This digital technique allows you to fabricate dentures for a wide range of jaw shapes and sizes.

Your advantages

For dental technicians
  • Reduced working and production time
  • Predictable results
  • Design independent of location (CAD)
  • Accurate and systematic workflow
  • No polymerisation shrinkage or porosity formation
  • Noticeable reduction in repairs and recalls
For dentists
  • Up to 50% fewer patient sessions
  • Guided and recommended clinical workflow
  • Good suction effect
  • Fewer pressure points
  • Easy and fast reproduction (data storage)
For patients
  • Fewer dentist sessions
  • Short waiting time due to fast production
  • Comfortable wearing sensation
  • Natural-looking esthetics[1]
  • Easy to clean and hygienic
  • Robust and durable
  • Easy to reproduce
The Ivotion® portfolio: More than just a disc

The sophisticated Ivotion® portfolio is suitable for a wide range of removable prosthetic applications, such as:

  • Upper and lower complete Dentures

  • Single complete dentures

  • Implant-supported dentures

  • Duplicate complete dentures

  • Immediate complete dentures

  • Overdentures

The Ivotion® 3D printing material: Print it. Feel it.

Ivotion® Base Print

Ivotion Base Print is a light-curing resin material for stereolithography 3D printing. The denture base material enables efficient denture manufacturing in proven PMMA quality. The material can be processed in established 3D printing systems.
Shades: Pink, Preference, US-D
By combining high-quality tooth and denture base materials in one single disc, Ivotion offers an efficient, predictable, monolithic milling solution.

Tooth shades: BL3, A1, A2, A3, A3.5, B1
Gingiva shades: Preference, Pink-V, US-D
Thickness: 38 mm
Ivotion® Dent Multi
The Ivotion Dent Multi discs are made of multichromatic DCL material. The harmonious progression of the shade within the disc imparts the denture teeth
with exceptional esthetic properties. They do not require any time-consuming additional characterization.

Shades: BL3, A1, A2, A3, A3.5, B1, B3, C2, D2
Thickness: 20 mm
Ivotion® Dent
The Ivotion Dent discs are made of tooth-coloured, monochromatic DCL material. They are characterized by outstanding translucency and lifelike fluorescence.[1]

Shades: BL3, A1, A2, A3, A3.5, B1, B3, C2, D2
Thickness: 20 mm
Ivotion® Base
The Ivotion Base discs are made of high-impact strength denture base material. The shade range is coordinated with that of the denture base materials from Ivoclar.

Shades: Pink, Pink-V, Preference, 34-V, US-D
Thickness: 30 mm
Ivotion® Bond
Ivotion Bond generates a strong bond between milled or prefabricated denture teeth and machined denture bases:

Sales Team
Our Sales Team will be happy to answer your enquiry and get back to you quickly.

email: sales.ch@ivoclar.com
Sales Consultants
Our Sales Consultants will provide you with further advice on our offers.

Phone: +41 44 805 9070
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