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Intuitive and smart: IoT functionality of the new Programat® furnaces from Ivoclar Vivadent is exceptionally well received

Schaan, Liechtenstein – 2 November 2021

With the introduction of its new series of Programat furnaces, Ivoclar Vivadent has brought the Internet of Things (IoT) to the modern dental laboratory. The latest generation of press and ceramic furnaces feature smart IoT functionality, offering dental technicians comfort and reliability.

Ivoclar Vivadent AG, one of the world’s leading dental companies with a comprehensive range of products and system solutions for dental professionals, introduced a new generation of Programat furnaces in June of this year. With their uniquely innovative features, forward-looking enhancements and modern design, the press and ceramic furnaces have earned the approval of customers quickly. The market has especially welcomed the furnaces’ progressive IoT functionality (Internet of Things), which promotes effectiveness and efficiency in day-to-day laboratory work. The Internet of Things connects physical objects to the virtual world. Smart devices embedded in an IoT network capture important information without requiring human intervention and deliver statistical information to the user. As the new Programat series is equipped with IoT technology, users have the option to activate this function on their new furnace. An advantage of IoT functionality is ongoing device optimization based on the evaluation of anonymized usage data. This means that technicians can expect consistently high quality results and maximized efficiency from their second-generation ceramic and press furnaces.

Internet of Things: smart assistant for dental laboratories
Programat furnaces that are connected to the IoT network offer dental technicians additional advantages. For instance, IoT connectivity enables the Ivoclar Vivadent support team to assess device-related data more easily and help customers more quickly. By opening a user account, customers can tap into the full potential of IoT technology. They can subscribe to a free report to receive automated monthly usage statistics. These reports provide users with a variety of relevant information, including usage metrics (e.g. operating and firing hours), remaining service life of the heating component, vacuum quality and the date on which the furnace was last calibrated. traffic light system indicates the level of urgency with which individual steps for maintenance and optimization should be carried out. Easy-to-read diagrams provide an overview of the furnace’s utilization measured in the number of firing processes and the proportional shares of the different types of materials used. By logging in to their customer account, dental technicians can easily manage their devices and services and directly clarify any questions they may have. All data that is transferred to the Ivoclar Vivadent server is encrypted and protected from unauthorized access by third parties with the highest degree of security. This means that dental technicians can benefit from additional comfort and high operational safety when using their IoT embedded Programat furnace. Monthly reports keep them informed of the current state of their device. 

Model variants and availability
The Programat ceramic furnace is the smart specialist for high-quality firing results. This furnace is available in three variations: P710 G2, P510 G2 and P310 G2. The Programat press furnace is the reliable partner for smart pressing processes. This model is offered in two variations: EP 5010 G2 and EP 3010 G2. All of the above model variants come equipped with advanced IoT functionality and have been available on the market since June 2021.

About Ivoclar Vivadent
Ivoclar Vivadent, headquartered in Schaan, Liechtenstein, is one of the world's leading manufacturers of integrated solutions for high-quality dental applications. The company's success is based on a comprehensive portfolio of products, systems and services, strong research and development capabilities and a clear commitment to training and further education. The company, which sells its products to around 130 countries, has 47 subsidiaries and branch offices and employs roughly 3,500 people worldwide. More information about Ivoclar Vivadent is available at Ivoclar.com.