Ivoclar Joy in Asia


Founded in 2007, the University of Puthisastra (UP) in Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia, serves as the base structure for our outreach team. During visits to schools and institutions, project manager Dr. med. dent. Philipp Schneider and project supervisor Dr. Shafe Shaikh set up stations in the form of workstations on site. One of these workstations is equipped with our mobile dental unit. The involvement of dental students means that significantly more patients can be treated while they benefit from the training opportunity. All our treatments are carried out according to the three phases 1) prevention and oral hygiene, 2) small restorations, and 3) basic fillings and surgical procedures. 


In addition to our work at the University of Puthisastra (UP), we regularly carry out educational work at various schools. We have successfully anchored our content in the Collaborating Center for Innovation in Population's Oral Health (CIPO). CIPO is the summary of all preventive dental campaigns in Cambodia and is closely linked to the Ministry of Health. Among other locations, we were also able to use our mobile dental unit in an institution for children with special needs. During our missions, we were presented with a certificate of appreciation by the founder of the People Improvement Organization (PIO) High School, which is located on the edge of a slum in Phnom Penh.

In May 2023, we continued our work in Trakiet, which is about one-and-a-half hours away. There, we visited the local community centre managed by the Khmer Association for Development (KAD). Dr. med. dent. Philipp Schneider has worked together closely with the centre for many years as a part of his collaboration with UP. Dr med. dent. Philipp Schneider also used the portable dental unit at the centre. As a result of his excellent training, the KAD team has been able to provide the community with first-class dental treatment.