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    Ivotion Dent Disc 98.5mm x 20mm
    Ivotion Dent BL3 98.5-20mm/1

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    The Ivotion Dent discs are made of tooth-coloured, monochromatic DCL material. They impress with an optimal level of translucency and lifelike fluorescence. Three essential factors are responsible for the highly esthetic results they deliver: low opacity in combination with the anatomic shape of the anterior teeth and a natural-looking surface texture. Ivotion Dent Multi discs are made of polychromatic DCL material. With the innovative Pearl Structure Effect, a harmonious shade progression is achieved, which imparts the denture teeth with high esthetics. The polychromatic discs were developed with three layers in accordance with the natural model: incisal - dentin – cervical. Dentures made of Ivotion Dent Multi are ready to use; time-consuming characterizations are no longer necessary.

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