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Sharing the same core values makes us strong.

In order to achieve our goals, our conduct has to be responsible and professional at all times. The actions of our management members and our employees are guided by fundamental values and legal requirements.

These values are set out in our Code of Business Conduct 2020 (CoBC). This code provides the standard for the way in which we deal with people inside and outside the company. It applies to our management and employees alike.

Our Compliance Program

Compliance and integrity are firmly entrenched in our business processes. We take these responsibilities very seriously. Our Corporate Compliance Officer is tasked with the implementation of the program. Our Compliance Board is composed of managers from various parts of the company. Their goal is to ensure the company’s adherence to our standards and guidelines as well as the legal requirements and to consistently improve our performance in this area. These efforts pay off, because they help to avert risks and protect our company and its employees from harm. Regional Compliance Representatives in our subsidiaries are responsible for the local adaptation and implementation of the program in their region.

The early recognition of violations and deviations enables us to prevent any possible harm to the company, our employees and our business partners. We will take fair and appropriate steps in reaction to reports from our employees. We will approach individuals who are aware of compliance violations directly and discretely. Our doors are always open. We ensure that all the parties involved will be treated fairly and respectfully. We may also be contacted through our digital reporting system  “Tell me”.

Our statement on modern slavery and human trafficking

We are committed to upholding all the trade and industry standards. We condemn any type of abuse against our employees or other members of the workforce. We require the same commitment from our business partners. Additional information on this topic is provided in our “Modern Slavery Statement”.

Please send your questions and concerns about the topic of Compliance to the following email address: compliance@ivoclar.com.



Download: Modern Slavery Statement