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Terms of use for images and logos from the Ivoclar "Image database":

By downloading images and logos from this database, the user expressly accepts these terms of use:

  1. All images and logos in the Ivoclar image database are protected by copyright or trademark.
  2. Ivoclar allows reproduction, publication or duplication of these images and logos only by authorised Ivoclar dealers, dental technicians / dental laboratories and dentists. Dentists and dental technicians/dental laboratories may use the images for purposes of self-promotion (image advertising) and presentation in print media as well as in digital media in connection with the use of Ivoclar products. Authorised dealers are only allowed to said use in connection with the sale of Ivoclar products. Images and logos shall not be transmitted to third parties, except for production purposes on behalf of the users for their own area of application. Users do not become Ivoclar representatives or agents. The images and logos shall be taken 1:1 from the database and shall not be modified, supplemented or used in combination with other brands or logos. This does not apply to the sole use of an image section without altering the image content. The images must include the source reference "Photo: Ivoclar AG, Liechtenstein".
  3. The use of the logos must not be such that the advertising presentation is attributed to Ivoclar.
  4. The type of use defined in paragraph 2 is free of charge. Any other use is not permitted unless Ivoclar has given its written consent.
  5. The use of the images and logos in commercial publishing products for the purpose of editorial reporting is allowed, provided that the use of the photos corresponds exclusively to the type of use defined in section 2 and reference is made to the source.
  6. Ivoclar reserves the right to revoke the right of use granted for the future for any reason whatsoever. In this case, the user undertakes to immediately refrain from using in the future the images and logos affected by the revocation. Any claims by the user resulting from the revocation are excluded.
  7. Ivoclar may, in the event of breach of these terms of use, demand that the user collect, correct or cease distribution of all its materials that include images and logos at its own expense. Ivoclar also reserves the right to claim damages in this case.
  8. The data in the database have been selected and made available to the best of our knowledge and belief. Nevertheless, Ivoclar accepts no liability for errors in this data or for system errors resulting from such errors.
  9. In addition, Ivoclar accepts no liability whatsoever if the use of images or logos infringes the rights of third parties.
  10. Should one or more provisions of these terms of use be or become invalid or void, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. The invalid/null provision shall be replaced by a provision which comes closest, in compliance with the law, to what the parties intended or would have intended had they been aware of the invalidity/nullity of the provision. The same applies to any gaps in the terms of use.
  11. Liechtenstein law shall apply to all disputes in connection with these terms of use. Place of jurisdiction is - as far as permitted by the law - Vaduz, Liechtenstein.