Environmental Responsibility
Our environmental management system complies with the internationally recognized ISO 14001 standard. Therefore, the company fulfils all the specifications with regard to operational environmental management. We take relevant environmental aspects into consideration in the planning, management, monitoring and improvement of all operational processes. Our environmental management system was successfully introduced and certified by TÜV-SÜD at our production facility in Italy. Subsequently, it was implemented in Liechtenstein, followed by the US, the Philippines and Austria.
We have been recording our worldwide greenhouse gas emissions data since 2019. Our aim is to reduce the carbon footprint at all our facilities throughout the world by introducing targeted measures.

Eco-friendly packaging is our priority.
We make every effort to deliver packaging that is made from low-energy and resource-saving materials. In doing this, we apply the principle of recyclability and try to avoid secondary packaging and plastic components from non-renewable raw materials as far as is possible. We place greater value on cardboard materials and prioritise single-material solutions that can be more easily recycled. These measures align with technical and regulatory requirements and are also closely linked to the Medical Device Regulation (MDR).

Promoting sustainable transport options
Ivoclar runs a clean mobility project which helps its employees to reduce their CO2 emissions. At the company headquarters we offer a number of incentives that encourage employees to use public transport or cycle to work instead of taking their car. Moreover, since 2018 we have optimized our parking management system with the objective of reducing private transport. Additional sheltered bike racks have been erected including parking bays equipped with charging stations for e-bikes.